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Intended Audience

This Sapphire/Web Installation Guide is intended for use by those installing the Sapphire/Web product. It is assumed that you are familiar with installing products in the UNIX environment, including web servers and database products.

Typographic Conventions

This book uses the following typographic conventions:
Convention Meaning
Courier text

Courier is used for text displayed on the screen, and text that you enter. For example, Courier (typewriter font) is used for code samples, structure types, and command-line text.
italic text

Italic is used for: Simple emphasis (Example: Do not change ). Titles of books.

Special keys are represented by symbols like these on the left when they must be entered from the keyboard: in many instances the use of the key is assumed. Literal letter key-strokes are also represented in this way. An ampersand indicates that you should press the last key while holding the previous one(s) down, as in &&
Note: Information of special interest is being presented.

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Copyright © 1997, Bluestone, Inc. All rights reserved.